Having It All & Still Feeling Empty

Have you ever driven a car with a full tank of gas and the next minute you look down at the dashboard, you see that you're on E?  That's what happened to me.  One minute I was full of life, thriving and prospering on the road to destiny and the next minute I was empty.  It wasn't a depressed or sad type of empty, but rather one where it felt like a piece of myself went away.  I felt like my soul had abandoned me--I was going through the motions of life and operating separately from my true identity.  I remember one day in particular I asked myself, "How is it possible that I had more peace when I was broke, unemployed, living with my parents, constantly receiving rejection after rejection letter?  How is it possible for me to be living in my dream city, working for a great company, affording a great lifestyle, having a flourishing love life and yet feel so bare?  How was the one who had nothing had everything and the one who had everything had nothing?  How was it possible to have it all and still feel empty?"

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An Open Letter to the Guy I Wanted

Everyone sees me, except you.  Everyone sees our potential, except you.  Everyone sees the sincerity of my heart, except you.  Till this day I'll never know why you were blinded to a love so obvious, consistent and pure.  Here you had a woman and close friend who's always had your back and would've done anything for you.  My loyalty had no expiration and my support was unwavering.  But despite me fitting the perfect mold of your ideal woman, you still didn't give us a real chance.

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