How to Heal from an Unexpected Breakup Without Closure

In April, I recorded a video on how to heal from an unexpected breakup without closure because at that time, I was getting a lot of messages from different women struggling with healing from breakups, closure and letting go. I may be 6 months late publishing the video, but I’m trusting and believing this will still help people who are struggling in this area. I myself have experienced ghosting, unexpected breakups with someone I thought I would marry, heartbreak, situationships etc..YOU NAME IT. Since I have been able to successfully overcome & heal from all of those painful seasons, I wanted to make a video to help someone who was struggling in that season.

In the video below, I share my unexpected, closure-less breakup story + give you 7 practical steps toward healing. Always remember: you are NEVER alone, this is just a SEASON and there is victory, power, real love & greater things on the other side of your heartbreak! I'm a living testimony to God's healing, restoration & elevation! Keep the faith!

For ongoing support, encouragement & community, here's link to join my accountability group called the "Goddess Garden".

Purchase my book, "I Lost Me When I Found You" on Amazon!

Seize the Season

We are in the midst of a pandemic and so many of our lives have been turned upside down. Businesses are shut down, layoffs are happening left and right, church’s worship experiences are online only, grocery stores are packed, social gatherings of 10+ people are banned, and unfortunately people all across the globe are testing positive for (and some are dying from) the covid-19 virus.

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Overcoming the Struggle to Surrender

My biggest struggle in my walk with God has come down to this one word: surrender. I have a strong, type A personality. I’m ambitious, outspoken, and love to “make” things happen. But the downside to this strong dynamic personality of mine is my struggle to relinquish control. I like to do what I want, when I want and how I want.

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Having It All & Still Feeling Empty

Have you ever driven a car with a full tank of gas and the next minute you look down at the dashboard, you see that you're on E?  That's what happened to me.  One minute I was full of life, thriving and prospering on the road to destiny and the next minute I was empty.  It wasn't a depressed or sad type of empty, but rather one where it felt like a piece of myself went away.  I felt like my soul had abandoned me--I was going through the motions of life and operating separately from my true identity.  I remember one day in particular I asked myself, "How is it possible that I had more peace when I was broke, unemployed, living with my parents, constantly receiving rejection after rejection letter?  How is it possible for me to be living in my dream city, working for a great company, affording a great lifestyle, having a flourishing love life and yet feel so bare?  How was the one who had nothing had everything and the one who had everything had nothing?  How was it possible to have it all and still feel empty?"

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